The Finest Quality Hand Made Rosettes and Awards





Tail Printing on Rosettes







Gold or Silver blocking along the tails with any wording or text can be added to most rosettes.

Ideal for adding a Sponsor, Company Name or Placing


There is a Setting Charge of £1.00 for each different print setting or change of wording.


Print Charges for each tail printed within the same print setting:


Print Charge 1-9 same setting 30p for each tail blocked
Print Charge 10+ same setting 20p for each tail blocked
Print Charge 100+ same setting 15p for each tail blocked


Other foil colours are available including black, white, blue, green and holographic

Price on application


For printing where there are long settings we may be required to print on two lines.

Setting Charge for print settings on two lines £1.90

8Elizabethan 8Knife  8Apollo  8Polka Dot  8Tartan  8Gold  8Star  8Lame  8Orion 8Novelty/Mini 8Speciality Rosettes